About JOEL

JOEL is a combination of Noel and James, our twin boys who were born sleeping in 2011. We founded JOEL in 2012, with friend Lisa Bramley, after we discovered a lack of support throughout our first rainbow pregnancy – the term referred to as a baby born after a loss.

The initial focus of the JOEL team was to raise funds for a local Sands group (Stillbirth & neonatal death charity) and Bassetlaw Hospital, as a thank you for all the wonderful support we received.

In 2014, JOEL became a registered charity with a main aim to support families through pregnancy and parenting after baby loss. In the same year, JOEL was given permission by Bassetlaw Hospital to raise funds and manage the renovation of a Birth Room on the labour ward into a dual-purpose Family Suite, with a priority for bereaved families. The work was completed in July 2016 at a cost of £40,000.

Along the way, we have met the most incredible, brave, and inspirational families, who offer wonderful support to others in times when they themselves are still in need of support. We personally owe these families a huge thank you for the support we have received through our darkest times and the most fearful times in both our rainbow pregnancies. No matter how long ago you experienced your loss, at any stage of pregnancy, during labour, or after birth, JOEL is here to support you. It is important to know and understand that you are never alone.

Support is available face to face, online, via our closed Facebook groups, and email. JOEL also offers a range of sessions that focus on physical and mental wellbeing, including family yoga, walk and talk meetings and craft sessions. Please get in touch with us for more information about all of our events and support meetings.

Thank you.

Emma and Matt

JOEL – The Complete Package